(************** Content-type: application/mathematica ************** CreatedBy='Mathematica 5.0' Mathematica-Compatible Notebook This notebook can be used with any Mathematica-compatible application, such as Mathematica, MathReader or Publicon. The data for the notebook starts with the line containing stars above. To get the notebook into a Mathematica-compatible application, do one of the following: * Save the data starting with the line of stars above into a file with a name ending in .nb, then open the file inside the application; * Copy the data starting with the line of stars above to the clipboard, then use the Paste menu command inside the application. Data for notebooks contains only printable 7-bit ASCII and can be sent directly in email or through ftp in text mode. Newlines can be CR, LF or CRLF (Unix, Macintosh or MS-DOS style). 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For more information on notebooks and Mathematica-compatible applications, contact Wolfram Research: web: http://www.wolfram.com email: info@wolfram.com phone: +1-217-398-0700 (U.S.) Notebook reader applications are available free of charge from Wolfram Research. *******************************************************************) (*CacheID: 232*) (*NotebookFileLineBreakTest NotebookFileLineBreakTest*) (*NotebookOptionsPosition[ 120923, 3392]*) (*NotebookOutlinePosition[ 121558, 3414]*) (* CellTagsIndexPosition[ 121514, 3410]*) (*WindowFrame->Normal*) Notebook[{ Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell["Graphical Input 2", "Subtitle"], Cell["\<\ Ivan Cnop icnop@vub.ac.be\ \>", "Subsubtitle"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell["Localising a drawing", "Section"], Cell["\<\ This technique may be useful for setting PlotRange determined by a \ Graphic input.\ \>", "Text"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell["Borders and rectangles", "Subsection"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[BoxData[ \(left[pts_List] := Min[Map[First, pts]]\)], "Input"], Cell[BoxData[ \(General::"spell1" \(\(:\)\(\ \)\) "Possible spelling error: new symbol name \"\!\(left\)\" is similar to \ existing symbol \"\!\(Left\)\"."\)], "Message"] }, Closed]], Cell[BoxData[ \(under[pts_List] := Min[Map[Last, pts]]\)], "Input"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[BoxData[ \(right[pts_List] := Max[Map[First, pts]]\)], "Input"], Cell[BoxData[ \(General::"spell1" \(\(:\)\(\ \)\) "Possible spelling error: new symbol name \"\!\(right\)\" is similar to \ existing symbol \"\!\(Right\)\"."\)], "Message"] }, Closed]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[BoxData[ \(top[pts_List] := Max[Map[Last, pts]]\)], "Input"], Cell[BoxData[ \(General::"spell1" \(\(:\)\(\ \)\) "Possible spelling error: new symbol name \"\!\(top\)\" is similar to \ existing symbol \"\!\(Top\)\"."\)], "Message"] }, Closed]], Cell[BoxData[ \(rect[pts_List] := Rectangle[{left[pts], under[pts]}, {right[pts], top[pts]}]\)], "Input"] }, Closed]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell["Apply this", "Subsection"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell["Make a drawing by hand in an empty graph:", "Subsubsection"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[BoxData[ \(Plot[0, {x, \(-2\), 2}, PlotRange \[Rule] {{\(-2\), 2}, {\(-2\), 2}}, AspectRatio \[Rule] \ Automatic]\)], "Input"], Cell[GraphicsData["PostScript", "\<\ %! %%Creator: Mathematica %%AspectRatio: 1 MathPictureStart /Mabs { Mgmatrix idtransform Mtmatrix dtransform } bind def /Mabsadd { Mabs 3 -1 roll add 3 1 roll add exch } bind def %% Graphics %%IncludeResource: font Courier %%IncludeFont: Courier /Courier findfont 10 scalefont setfont % Scaling calculations 0.5 0.25 0.5 0.25 [ [0 .4875 -6 -9 ] [0 .4875 6 0 ] [.125 .4875 -12 -9 ] [.125 .4875 12 0 ] [.25 .4875 -6 -9 ] [.25 .4875 6 0 ] [.375 .4875 -12 -9 ] [.375 .4875 12 0 ] [.625 .4875 -9 -9 ] [.625 .4875 9 0 ] [.75 .4875 -3 -9 ] [.75 .4875 3 0 ] [.875 .4875 -9 -9 ] [.875 .4875 9 0 ] [1 .4875 -3 -9 ] [1 .4875 3 0 ] [.4875 0 -12 -4.5 ] [.4875 0 0 4.5 ] [.4875 .125 -24 -4.5 ] [.4875 .125 0 4.5 ] [.4875 .25 -12 -4.5 ] [.4875 .25 0 4.5 ] [.4875 .375 -24 -4.5 ] [.4875 .375 0 4.5 ] [.4875 .625 -18 -4.5 ] [.4875 .625 0 4.5 ] [.4875 .75 -6 -4.5 ] [.4875 .75 0 4.5 ] [.4875 .875 -18 -4.5 ] [.4875 .875 0 4.5 ] [.4875 1 -6 -4.5 ] [.4875 1 0 4.5 ] [ 0 0 0 0 ] [ 1 1 0 0 ] ] MathScale % Start of Graphics 1 setlinecap 1 setlinejoin newpath 0 g .25 Mabswid [ ] 0 setdash 0 .5 m 0 .50625 L s [(-2)] 0 .4875 0 1 Mshowa .125 .5 m .125 .50625 L s [(-1.5)] .125 .4875 0 1 Mshowa .25 .5 m .25 .50625 L s [(-1)] .25 .4875 0 1 Mshowa .375 .5 m .375 .50625 L s [(-0.5)] .375 .4875 0 1 Mshowa .625 .5 m .625 .50625 L s [(0.5)] .625 .4875 0 1 Mshowa .75 .5 m .75 .50625 L s [(1)] .75 .4875 0 1 Mshowa .875 .5 m .875 .50625 L s [(1.5)] .875 .4875 0 1 Mshowa 1 .5 m 1 .50625 L s [(2)] 1 .4875 0 1 Mshowa .125 Mabswid .025 .5 m .025 .50375 L s .05 .5 m .05 .50375 L s .075 .5 m .075 .50375 L s .1 .5 m .1 .50375 L s .15 .5 m .15 .50375 L s .175 .5 m .175 .50375 L s .2 .5 m .2 .50375 L s .225 .5 m .225 .50375 L s .275 .5 m .275 .50375 L s .3 .5 m .3 .50375 L s .325 .5 m .325 .50375 L s .35 .5 m .35 .50375 L s .4 .5 m .4 .50375 L s .425 .5 m .425 .50375 L s .45 .5 m .45 .50375 L s .475 .5 m .475 .50375 L s .525 .5 m .525 .50375 L s .55 .5 m .55 .50375 L s .575 .5 m .575 .50375 L s .6 .5 m .6 .50375 L s .65 .5 m .65 .50375 L s .675 .5 m .675 .50375 L s .7 .5 m .7 .50375 L s .725 .5 m .725 .50375 L s .775 .5 m .775 .50375 L s .8 .5 m .8 .50375 L s .825 .5 m .825 .50375 L s .85 .5 m .85 .50375 L s .9 .5 m .9 .50375 L s .925 .5 m .925 .50375 L s .95 .5 m .95 .50375 L s .975 .5 m .975 .50375 L s .25 Mabswid 0 .5 m 1 .5 L s .5 0 m .50625 0 L s [(-2)] .4875 0 1 0 Mshowa .5 .125 m .50625 .125 L s [(-1.5)] .4875 .125 1 0 Mshowa .5 .25 m .50625 .25 L s [(-1)] .4875 .25 1 0 Mshowa .5 .375 m .50625 .375 L s [(-0.5)] .4875 .375 1 0 Mshowa .5 .625 m .50625 .625 L s [(0.5)] .4875 .625 1 0 Mshowa .5 .75 m .50625 .75 L s [(1)] .4875 .75 1 0 Mshowa .5 .875 m .50625 .875 L s [(1.5)] .4875 .875 1 0 Mshowa .5 1 m .50625 1 L s [(2)] .4875 1 1 0 Mshowa .125 Mabswid .5 .025 m .50375 .025 L s .5 .05 m .50375 .05 L s .5 .075 m .50375 .075 L s .5 .1 m .50375 .1 L s .5 .15 m .50375 .15 L s .5 .175 m .50375 .175 L s .5 .2 m .50375 .2 L s .5 .225 m .50375 .225 L s .5 .275 m .50375 .275 L s .5 .3 m .50375 .3 L s .5 .325 m .50375 .325 L s .5 .35 m .50375 .35 L s .5 .4 m .50375 .4 L s .5 .425 m .50375 .425 L s .5 .45 m .50375 .45 L s .5 .475 m .50375 .475 L s .5 .525 m .50375 .525 L s .5 .55 m .50375 .55 L s .5 .575 m .50375 .575 L s .5 .6 m .50375 .6 L s .5 .65 m .50375 .65 L s .5 .675 m .50375 .675 L s .5 .7 m .50375 .7 L s .5 .725 m .50375 .725 L s .5 .775 m .50375 .775 L s .5 .8 m .50375 .8 L s .5 .825 m .50375 .825 L s .5 .85 m .50375 .85 L s .5 .9 m .50375 .9 L s .5 .925 m .50375 .925 L s .5 .95 m .50375 .95 L s .5 .975 m .50375 .975 L s .25 Mabswid .5 0 m .5 1 L s 0 0 m 1 0 L 1 1 L 0 1 L closepath clip newpath .5 Mabswid 0 .5 m .04057 .5 L .08481 .5 L .12636 .5 L .16632 .5 L .20885 .5 L .2498 .5 L .29331 .5 L .33524 .5 L .37557 .5 L .41848 .5 L .4598 .5 L .49953 .5 L .54183 .5 L .58254 .5 L .62583 .5 L .66752 .5 L .70762 .5 L .7503 .5 L .79139 .5 L .83505 .5 L .87712 .5 L .9176 .5 L .96065 .5 L 1 .5 L s % End of Graphics MathPictureEnd \ \>"], "Graphics", ImageSize->{288, 288}, ImageMargins->{{43, 0}, {0, 0}}, ImageRegion->{{0, 1}, {0, 1}}, ImageCache->GraphicsData["Bitmap", "\<\ CF5dJ6E]HGAYHf4PAg9QL6QYHg"], ImageRangeCache->{{{0, 287}, {287, 0}} -> {-2.08635, -2.06477, 0.0143886, \ 0.0143886}}], Cell[BoxData[ TagBox[\(\[SkeletonIndicator] Graphics \[SkeletonIndicator]\), False, Editable->False]], "Output"] }, Closed]] }, Closed]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell["Feed thses points", "Subsubsection"], Cell[BoxData[ \(\(pts = {{0.302161, 0.89929}, {0.230218, 0.913678}, {0.172663, 0.928067}, {0.0863316, 0.956844}, {0.0143886, 0.956844}, {\(-0.0575547\), 0.971233}, {\(-0.115109\), 0.971233}, {\(-0.187052\), 0.956844}, {\(-0.244607\), 0.928067}, {\(-0.31655\), 0.884901}, {\(-0.402882\), 0.827346}, 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0.0935261}, {0.0143886, 0.0359716}, {0, \(-0.0215828\)}, {0.0287771, \(-0.0935261\)}, \ {0.0863316, \(-0.0935261\)}, {0.158275, \(-0.0935261\)}, {0.172663, \ \(-0.0359716\)}, {\(-0.244607\), \(-0.151081\)}, {\(-0.187052\), \ \(-0.165469\)}, {\(-0.158275\), \(-0.223024\)}, {\(-0.100721\), \ \(-0.251801\)}, {\(-0.0431659\), \(-0.280578\)}, {0.0143886, \(-0.294967\)}, \ {0.071943, \(-0.294967\)}, {0.129498, \(-0.294967\)}, {0.187052, \ \(-0.294967\)}, {0.244607, \(-0.280578\)}, {0.287773, \(-0.223024\)}, \ {0.302161, \(-0.151081\)}, {0.359716, \(-0.179858\)}, {0.359716, \ \(-0.237412\)}, {0.330939, \(-0.294967\)}, {0.273384, \(-0.323744\)}, \ {0.215829, \(-0.323744\)}, {0.158275, \(-0.338133\)}, {0.10072, \ \(-0.36691\)}, {0.0431659, \(-0.36691\)}, {\(-0.0143888\), \(-0.36691\)}, \ {\(-0.0719433\), \(-0.36691\)}, {\(-0.115109\), \(-0.309356\)}, \ {\(-0.172664\), \(-0.26619\)}, {\(-0.201441\), \(-0.194247\)}, {\(-0.21583\), \ \(-0.136692\)}};\)\)], "Input"] }, Closed]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell["Plot inside rectangle", "Subsubsection"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[BoxData[ \(ListPlot[pts, PlotRange \[Rule] {{\(-2\), 2}, {\(-2\), 2}}, AspectRatio \[Rule] \ Automatic]\)], "Input"], Cell[GraphicsData["PostScript", "\<\ %! %%Creator: Mathematica %%AspectRatio: 1 MathPictureStart /Mabs { Mgmatrix idtransform Mtmatrix dtransform } bind def /Mabsadd { Mabs 3 -1 roll add 3 1 roll add exch } bind def %% Graphics %%IncludeResource: font Courier %%IncludeFont: Courier /Courier findfont 10 scalefont setfont % Scaling calculations 0.5 0.25 0.5 0.25 [ [0 .4875 -6 -9 ] [0 .4875 6 0 ] [.125 .4875 -12 -9 ] [.125 .4875 12 0 ] [.25 .4875 -6 -9 ] [.25 .4875 6 0 ] [.375 .4875 -12 -9 ] [.375 .4875 12 0 ] [.625 .4875 -9 -9 ] [.625 .4875 9 0 ] [.75 .4875 -3 -9 ] [.75 .4875 3 0 ] [.875 .4875 -9 -9 ] [.875 .4875 9 0 ] [1 .4875 -3 -9 ] [1 .4875 3 0 ] [.4875 0 -12 -4.5 ] [.4875 0 0 4.5 ] [.4875 .125 -24 -4.5 ] [.4875 .125 0 4.5 ] [.4875 .25 -12 -4.5 ] [.4875 .25 0 4.5 ] [.4875 .375 -24 -4.5 ] [.4875 .375 0 4.5 ] [.4875 .625 -18 -4.5 ] [.4875 .625 0 4.5 ] [.4875 .75 -6 -4.5 ] [.4875 .75 0 4.5 ] [.4875 .875 -18 -4.5 ] [.4875 .875 0 4.5 ] [.4875 1 -6 -4.5 ] [.4875 1 0 4.5 ] [ 0 0 0 0 ] [ 1 1 0 0 ] ] MathScale % Start of Graphics 1 setlinecap 1 setlinejoin newpath 0 g .25 Mabswid [ ] 0 setdash 0 .5 m 0 .50625 L s [(-2)] 0 .4875 0 1 Mshowa .125 .5 m .125 .50625 L s [(-1.5)] .125 .4875 0 1 Mshowa .25 .5 m .25 .50625 L s [(-1)] .25 .4875 0 1 Mshowa .375 .5 m .375 .50625 L s [(-0.5)] .375 .4875 0 1 Mshowa .625 .5 m .625 .50625 L s [(0.5)] .625 .4875 0 1 Mshowa .75 .5 m .75 .50625 L s [(1)] .75 .4875 0 1 Mshowa .875 .5 m .875 .50625 L s [(1.5)] .875 .4875 0 1 Mshowa 1 .5 m 1 .50625 L s [(2)] 1 .4875 0 1 Mshowa .125 Mabswid .025 .5 m .025 .50375 L s .05 .5 m .05 .50375 L s .075 .5 m .075 .50375 L s .1 .5 m .1 .50375 L s .15 .5 m .15 .50375 L s .175 .5 m .175 .50375 L s .2 .5 m .2 .50375 L s .225 .5 m .225 .50375 L s .275 .5 m .275 .50375 L s .3 .5 m .3 .50375 L s .325 .5 m .325 .50375 L s .35 .5 m .35 .50375 L s .4 .5 m .4 .50375 L s .425 .5 m .425 .50375 L s .45 .5 m .45 .50375 L s .475 .5 m .475 .50375 L s .525 .5 m .525 .50375 L s .55 .5 m .55 .50375 L s .575 .5 m .575 .50375 L s .6 .5 m .6 .50375 L s .65 .5 m .65 .50375 L s .675 .5 m .675 .50375 L s .7 .5 m .7 .50375 L s .725 .5 m .725 .50375 L s .775 .5 m .775 .50375 L s .8 .5 m .8 .50375 L s .825 .5 m .825 .50375 L s .85 .5 m .85 .50375 L s .9 .5 m .9 .50375 L s .925 .5 m .925 .50375 L s .95 .5 m .95 .50375 L s .975 .5 m .975 .50375 L s .25 Mabswid 0 .5 m 1 .5 L s .5 0 m .50625 0 L s [(-2)] .4875 0 1 0 Mshowa .5 .125 m .50625 .125 L s [(-1.5)] .4875 .125 1 0 Mshowa .5 .25 m .50625 .25 L s [(-1)] .4875 .25 1 0 Mshowa .5 .375 m .50625 .375 L s [(-0.5)] .4875 .375 1 0 Mshowa .5 .625 m .50625 .625 L s [(0.5)] .4875 .625 1 0 Mshowa .5 .75 m .50625 .75 L s [(1)] .4875 .75 1 0 Mshowa .5 .875 m .50625 .875 L s [(1.5)] .4875 .875 1 0 Mshowa .5 1 m .50625 1 L s [(2)] .4875 1 1 0 Mshowa .125 Mabswid .5 .025 m .50375 .025 L s .5 .05 m .50375 .05 L s .5 .075 m .50375 .075 L s .5 .1 m .50375 .1 L s .5 .15 m .50375 .15 L s .5 .175 m .50375 .175 L s .5 .2 m .50375 .2 L s .5 .225 m .50375 .225 L s .5 .275 m .50375 .275 L s .5 .3 m .50375 .3 L s .5 .325 m .50375 .325 L s .5 .35 m .50375 .35 L s .5 .4 m .50375 .4 L s .5 .425 m .50375 .425 L s .5 .45 m .50375 .45 L s .5 .475 m .50375 .475 L s .5 .525 m .50375 .525 L s .5 .55 m .50375 .55 L s .5 .575 m .50375 .575 L s .5 .6 m .50375 .6 L s .5 .65 m .50375 .65 L s .5 .675 m .50375 .675 L s .5 .7 m .50375 .7 L s .5 .725 m .50375 .725 L s .5 .775 m .50375 .775 L s .5 .8 m .50375 .8 L s .5 .825 m .50375 .825 L s .5 .85 m .50375 .85 L s .5 .9 m .50375 .9 L s .5 .925 m .50375 .925 L s .5 .95 m .50375 .95 L s .5 .975 m .50375 .975 L s .25 Mabswid .5 0 m .5 1 L s 0 0 m 1 0 L 1 1 L 0 1 L closepath clip newpath .008 w .57554 .72482 Mdot .55755 .72842 Mdot .54317 .73202 Mdot .52158 .73921 Mdot .5036 .73921 Mdot .48561 .74281 Mdot .47122 .74281 Mdot .45324 .73921 Mdot .43885 .73202 Mdot .42086 .72123 Mdot .39928 .70684 Mdot .38849 .69245 Mdot .3741 .67446 Mdot .36691 .66007 Mdot .36331 .64569 Mdot .35611 .6277 Mdot .35611 .60971 Mdot .35252 .59173 Mdot .35252 .57734 Mdot .34892 .56295 Mdot .34892 .53058 Mdot .34892 .51619 Mdot .34892 .5018 Mdot .35252 .48741 Mdot .36691 .46583 Mdot .3741 .45144 Mdot .38129 .43345 Mdot .38849 .41906 Mdot .39928 .40468 Mdot .41367 .39388 Mdot .42806 .38309 Mdot .44245 .3795 Mdot .45683 .3759 Mdot .47482 .36511 Mdot .48921 .36511 Mdot .5036 .36151 Mdot .52158 .36151 Mdot .53957 .36151 Mdot .55755 .36151 Mdot .57554 .36151 Mdot .59712 .3687 Mdot .61151 .3687 Mdot .6259 .3759 Mdot .64029 .39029 Mdot .65468 .40108 Mdot .66187 .41906 Mdot .67266 .43345 Mdot .68346 .44784 Mdot .69065 .46223 Mdot .69784 .47662 Mdot .69784 .49101 Mdot .70144 .5054 Mdot .70864 .52338 Mdot .71223 .54496 Mdot .71583 .56295 Mdot .71943 .58094 Mdot .71943 .59892 Mdot .71943 .61331 Mdot .71943 .6313 Mdot .71223 .64569 Mdot .70504 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The cache data will then be recreated when you save this file from within Mathematica. *******************************************************************) (*CellTagsOutline CellTagsIndex->{} *) (*CellTagsIndex CellTagsIndex->{} *) (*NotebookFileOutline Notebook[{ Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[1776, 53, 37, 0, 52, "Subtitle"], Cell[1816, 55, 56, 3, 46, "Subsubtitle"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[1897, 62, 39, 0, 69, "Section"], Cell[1939, 64, 107, 3, 32, "Text"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[2071, 71, 44, 0, 38, "Subsection"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[2140, 75, 71, 1, 27, "Input"], Cell[2214, 78, 181, 3, 49, "Message"] }, Closed]], Cell[2410, 84, 71, 1, 24, "Input"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[2506, 89, 72, 1, 27, "Input"], Cell[2581, 92, 183, 3, 49, "Message"] }, Closed]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[2801, 100, 69, 1, 24, "Input"], Cell[2873, 103, 179, 3, 49, "Message"] }, Closed]], Cell[3067, 109, 116, 2, 56, "Input"] }, Closed]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[3220, 116, 32, 0, 30, "Subsection"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[3277, 120, 66, 0, 42, "Subsubsection"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[3368, 124, 142, 2, 43, "Input"], Cell[3513, 128, 19695, 562, 296, 3995, 364, "GraphicsData", "PostScript", \ "Graphics"], Cell[23211, 692, 130, 3, 27, "Output"] }, Closed]] }, Closed]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[23390, 701, 42, 0, 28, "Subsubsection"], Cell[23435, 703, 3616, 53, 971, "Input"] }, Closed]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[27088, 761, 46, 0, 28, "Subsubsection"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[27159, 765, 132, 2, 43, "Input"], Cell[27294, 769, 24244, 689, 296, 5947, 458, "GraphicsData", "PostScript", \ "Graphics"], Cell[51541, 1460, 130, 3, 27, "Output"] }, Closed]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[51708, 1468, 204, 3, 59, "Input"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[51937, 1475, 21245, 585, 186, 6008, 392, "GraphicsData", "PostScript", \ "Graphics"], Cell[73185, 2062, 21630, 662, 296, 6027, 465, "GraphicsData", "PostScript", \ "Graphics"] }, Closed]], Cell[94830, 2727, 130, 3, 27, "Output"] }, Closed]] }, Closed]] }, Closed]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[95021, 2737, 43, 0, 30, "Subsection"], Cell[95067, 2739, 241, 5, 91, "Input"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[95333, 2748, 45, 1, 27, "Input"], Cell[95381, 2751, 25357, 630, 305, 5955, 386, "GraphicsData", "PostScript", \ "Graphics"], Cell[120741, 3383, 130, 3, 27, "Output"] }, Closed]] }, Closed]] }, Open ]] }, Open ]] } ] *) (******************************************************************* End of Mathematica Notebook file. *******************************************************************)